How EnteroBase uses your personal data (GDPR)
The General Data Protection Regulation is an EU regulation that was set up in 2016 and came into force on 25th May 2018. These rules give people the explicit right to know what websites and companies are doing with their personal information (e.g. how it is stored, how it is processed, or shared with third parties). These regulations also explicitly give people a say in how their information is used.
We feel these are important issues and wish to clarify what happens within EnteroBase in relation to the GDPR. A full description of the EnteroBase terms and conditions can be found in Terms and Conditions.
What data do we store?
On registration we ask for the following:
- Your username and email
- Your password
- Your first and last name
- Your department and institution
- The city and country of the institution
This is to allow us to contact you if there are any problems. We will be emailing you from time to time. Some emails will be automated messages informing you that long running analyses, such as SNP analyses, have been completed. Other emails will be informing you about changes to EnteroBase. These emails are an integral part of EnteroBase. If this is problematic, you may delete your account at any time.
We also store any sequence read data that you upload for processing. We keep it so we can troubleshoot any unexpected downstream results, and so we can apply your data to new analyses after you have uploaded it. Your sequence read data is only available to EnteroBase developers and is not made public. We would eventually like to transfer sequence read data to services such as ENA/NCBI/DDBJ, but we will contact you directly for your permission when this occurs.
We also use cookies, track your IP and webpages that you access on EnteroBase. We can also track any data you generate and share through EnteroBase, such as workspaces or trees. This is so we can analyse the performance of EnteroBase and make improvements. We also use this information to detect abuse.
We do not sell your information to any third party, but we may need to share it in exceptional cases. Please see the Terms and Conditions for more details.
How is data stored?
Your user account data is stored in a relational database with strict access only to EnteroBase developers and system administrators in the Bioinformatics Research Technology Platform (RTP) in the University of Warwick. These data are not readily accessible outside of the Bioinformatics RTP.
All passwords are hashed and encrypted. We have no way to read your original password.
Transferring EnteroBase
In future, we may transfer the administration of EnteroBase to another organisation. We will always tell you by email if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer maintains your rights.
Deletion from EnteroBase
You can delete your EnteroBase account, which will remove all your personal information immediately by visiting Delete Account.
You will need to log in to delete your account.
Requests from you
- We will send you a copy of all your stored personal data, on request
- We will delete your account and all your personal data, on request
- We will clarify any specifics, on request
Please send requests to